This experiential learning package is specifically designed for senior and mid-level protected area officials and staff with project, divisional management and/or high level technical responsibilities in protected areas. They include heads of protected areas, deputy heads or section heads of large, complex and/or high profile protected areas and heads of technical sections. About 30 participants and facilitators will be involved per learning package.
The learning package will have two parts: (1) a one-day seminar on ecotourism and PA management; and (2) a 4-day field visit in an AHP site and other nature-based tourism sites. The AHP site manager and staff will feature best practices on protected area management and ecotourism. The one-day orientation seminar will include lectures on ecotourism and PA management, case study analysis, and panel discussions. The approaches will be designed to encourage and enhance active participation and sharing experiences and best practices among senior and mid-level officials and staff.
The 4-day field visit to the AHP and other ecotourism sites will expose participants to first-hand experiences on recreation, tourism and ecotourism management; share and compare good practices and lessons learned; and promote cooperation and networking among practitioners on recreation, tourism and ecotourism management.
This experiential learning activity has been piloted in Malaysia and Viet Nam in 2014 and 2015.