In aligning with the post-2020 global biodiversity framework on the important role of protected and conserved areas, among the goals of the ASEAN-EU and ASEAN-Germany cooperation projects, implemented by the ASEAN Centre for Biodiversity, is to improve the biodiversity conservation and effective management of protected areas in the ASEAN. To monitor the progress and effectiveness of protected area management, many protected areas use the Management Effectiveness Tracking Tool (METT), which is the most widely used assessment system around the globe. The latest version of this tool known as METT–4 was recently released and is now ready for use.
Led by three of the world’s experts on management of protected areas, this training on METT–4 aims to create a pool of resources in the ASEAN who can effectively implement the assessments and enjoin all ASEAN Member States to embrace effectiveness monitoring as part of adaptive management for protected areas and ASEAN Heritage Parks. This will also be aligned with the post-2020 global biodiversity framework, which has a strong emphasis on the role of protected and conserved areas and its effectiveness in achieving conservation outcomes.

For more info:Session Outline | ACB | ASEAN Centre for Biodiversity (
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