
This video shows the dispersion of passive particles within the entire AMS, as advected by ocean currents during the Southwest Monsoon. Daily global surface currents from the COPERNICUS-GLOBCURRENT dataset were used in a Lagrangian model, to obtain the particle trajectories from a single release

This video shows the dispersion of passive particles within the entire AMS, as advected by ocean currents during the Northeast Monsoon. Daily global surface currents from the COPERNICUS-GLOBCURRENT dataset were used in a Lagrangian model, to obtain the particle trajectories from a single release

#DidYouKnow? ASEAN is home to one of the world’s most diverse ecosystems and rich biodiversity.

But with great wealth comes great threats.

#PlasticPollution is one of the primary drivers of biodiversity loss. Microplastics in the environment impact the survival of species, thus affecting the


Food security is a global concern that needs an ecologically sound and sustainable solution. Biodiversity is our foremost food source. Biodiversity in agriculture (agrobiodiversity) helps us attain SDG No. 2: zero hunger. Support national and regional programs that enhance biodiversity in

Food security is a global concern that needs an ecologically sound and sustainable solution. Biodiversity is our foremost food source. Agricultural biodiversity ensures genetic diversity essential to food security. Agrobiodiversity builds resilience to diseases and climate change. Biodiversity in

Food security is a global concern that needs an ecologically sound and sustainable solution. Biodiversity is our foremost food source. Nurturing a healthy variety of micro-organisms, plants, and animals in agro-ecosystems contributes to the sustainable food production for the present and future

ASEAN Heritage Parks


"A webinar jointly organised by the ASEAN Centre for Biodiversity (ACB) and Conservation on Natural Resources and Ecosystem Office (KSDAE) of the Ministry of Environment and Forestry Indonesia, Ministry of Environment and Forestry of Indonesia, brought into sharp focus the need to support

Webinar on "ASEAN Heritage Parks and COVID-19 Pandemic: Impacts, Responses, and Recovery" in September 11, 2020

Pollinators – such as bats, butterflies, and bees – are vital in the reproduction in flowering plants that ensures we have fruits to eat, and seeds that will grow into more plants. The value of pollinators’ services in sustaining biodiversity and food security in the ASEAN is about 182 Billion USD

The development of the “Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework” (GBF) is a stepping stone towards achieving the CBD 2050 Vision of ‘Living in harmony with nature'. This will pursue and aim to further the actions from the Strategic Plan for Biodiversity 2011-2020, as the global response to