
Partner Organisation: Ministry of Environment- Japan East and Southeast Asia Biodiversity Information Initiative (ESABII)

Partner Organisations: EU-BCAMP, ACB, SEARCA, ASEAN Development Fund

Partner Organisation: 

Ministry of Environment-Japan and East and Southeast Asia Biodiversity Information Initiative (ESABII)

Partner Organisation:

Ministry of Environment-Japan, and East and Southeast Asia Biodiversity Information Initiative (ESABII)Ministry of Environment-Japan, and East and Southeast Asia Biodiversity Information Initiative (ESABII)

Partner organisation: GIZ GmbH/ GFA Consulting Group

Duration: 2015 – 2019

The ASEAN Member States host about 18% of the species of the Earth; 3 of the 17 mega-diverse countries; about 35% of the global mangrove forests; and 30% of the coral reefs. This wealth in biodiversity poses