The ASEAN Biodiversity Outlook (ABO) is the flagship publication of the ASEAN Centre for Biodiversity (ACB) showcasing developments on biodiversity conservation in the ASEAN region.
The first edition of the ABO (ABO1) was published in 2010 and launched at the 10th Meeting of the Conference of the Parties (COP10) to the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) held in Nagoya, Japan. ABO1 presented the state of biodiversity, the drivers of biodiversity loss in the ASEAN region, and a snapshot of some of the actions by ASEAN Member States in combating the loss of biodiversity. ABO1 was based on information from the ASEAN Member States’ 4th National Reports to the CBD or similar national reports and action plans, as well as from global and regional datasets collected by the ACB from other international and regional organizations.
The project objective is: ACB successfully implements elements of its revised strategic framework to enhance biodiversity conservation and mainstreaming in the ASEAN region.
Objectives and Approach
The ISB II project provides an opportunity to integrate lessons and experiences gained from the ISB I Project into regional strategies for biodiversity conservation. As such, the project will be implemented through four (4) areas of intervention:
- Organizational Development. The project will assist ACB in the implementation of its revised strategic framework for the conservation of biodiversity and ecosystem services in the ASEAN region.
- ASEAN Heritage Parks (AHP) Programme. The ASEAN Heritage Parks are selected protected areas in the ASEAN region known for their unique biodiversity and ecosystems, wilderness; outstanding values; and, importance as conservation areas. ACB is designated as the AHP Secretariat. The project will support the development of a regional monitoring and evaluation system for the AHP Programme to enhance management effectiveness.
- Facilitation of joint ASEAN positions on CBD and related international processes. The project will assist ACB to facilitate the elaboration of joint ASEAN positions for the negotiations of a new global post-2020 biodiversity framework. In addition, the project will also support the development of digitized tools to analyze the status of regional progress in the fulfilment of the Aichi biodiversity targets and corresponding SDGs.
- Mainstreaming Biodiversity. The project aims to empower ACB to address the mainstreaming of biodiversity conservation into other relevant sectors.
For more info: ASEAN Biodiversity Outlook | ACB | ASEAN Centre for Biodiversity