Call for Applications: Young ASEAN Storytellers
Calling all ASEAN Youth!
Are you a nature-loving content creator, artist, vlogger, or photographer? You just might be what we’re looking for!
The ASEAN Centre for Biodiversity (ACB) is looking for 20 ASEAN youths aspiring to tell a powerful biodiversity story. Through this programme, you can be part of the solution for nature through storytelling.
You think this is for you? Say YAS and APPLY NOW!
The Young ASEAN Storytellers programme is supported by the European Union (#EU) through the ACB’s Biodiversity Conservation and Management of Protected Areas in ASEAN (#BCAMP) Project and the ASEAN-Germany Cooperation in Biodiversity through the Second Phase of the Institutional Strengthening of the Biodiversity Sector in the ASEAN (ISB II) Project and the Small Grants Programme (#SGP).
#ASEANstoryteller #ASEANyouth #WeAreASEANBiodiversity
To know more about the YAS, check out