National Target 13: Implementation of system development in nurseries, genetic breeding and domestication of wildlife as well as the breeding of wild animals

National Target 13: Implementation of system development in nurseries, genetic breeding and domestication of wildlife as well as the breeding of wild animals

National Target 13 is intended to maintain and protect genetic diversity that has provided various germplasm sources for food and high value-added biodiversity products in supporting sustainable development. The National Target 13 was prepared to comply with the Aichi Target (AT) 13 framework as a reference for formulating a number of action plans and activity programs that have been adapted to national conditions and needs regarding the management of genetic resources.

The maintenance and protection of genetic resources need to be carried out through the development of systems for breeding, genetic breeding and wildlife domestication, as well as the breeding of wild species. Some things that underlie the need for the maintenance/preservation, protection and utilization of genetic resources are:

§  Management and safeguarding of biodiversity sustainability can be carried out by the government together with the community, one of which can be done through breeding wild plants and animals. Breeding activities can support the achievement of wildlife domestication (DJKSDAE-KLHK, 2015).

§  Applied technology engineering in the field of aquaculture is carried out to maintain the sustainability of germplasm. As a result of breeding or domestication, new varieties of fish may enrich the types of fish circulating in the community. The increase of availability and quality assurance of broodstocks and superior seeds to support aquaculture production targets may have its quality guaranteed through the establishment of Indonesian National Standards for broodstocks and seed production for aquaculture commodities for freshwater, brackish or marine aquaculture (Kemen KP, 2017).

§  Various efforts to develop and expand seedling logistics in the fields of food and agriculture need to be carried out in the form of: national seed/nursery institutional arrangements- protection, maintenance and utilization of national genetic resources for the development of local superior varieties; empowerment of local breeders and seed producers; increasing the role of private sector in developing seed/ seedling industry; and developing seed industry for the independence from the national seed industry (Ministry of Agriculture, 2016).

§  In the fields of agriculture, plantation and animal husbandry, the arrangement and empowerment of seed institutions will give a positive impact on the realization of the seed industry to produce quality seeds of superior varieties in a sustainable manner. (BPPP, 2015).