National Target |
Target 11: By 2021, management, policy and legal mechanisms and measures are available for conservation and protection of the country’s genetic diversity. |
National Target |
Target 18: By 2021, rules and regulations adhering to the precautionary approach for biosafety are available and applied by relevant agencies for improvement and development of rules, procedures and mechanisms to regulate transboundary movement of livin |
National Target |
TARGET 1: By 2028, the conservation status of nationally and globally threatened species in the country from 2016 levels is maintained or improved. |
National Target |
TARGET 2: By 2028, there will be no net loss in natural forest cover. |
National Target |
TARGET 3: By 2028, there will be no net loss in presence and area distribution of live coral cover, mangroves, and seagrasses. |
National Target |
TARGET 6: By 2028, there will be a 5% increase in the proportion of green spaces in the five largest cities. |
National Target |
TARGET 4: By 2028, over 50% of genetic diversity of cultivated plants and farmed and domesticated animals and wild relatives will be conserved or maintained. |
National Target |
TARGET 5: By 2028, the population of migratory bird species identified in selected inland and coastal wetlands along the East Asian–Australasian Flyway (EAAF) will be maintained. |
National Target |
National Target 13: Implementation of system development in nurseries, genetic breeding and domestication of wildlife as well as the breeding of wild animals |
National Target |
Target 13: By 2025, the genetic diversity of cultivated plants and farmed and domesticated animals and of wild relatives is adequately conserved. |