16. Nagoya Protocol in force and operational

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National Target Target 19: By 2020, mechanisms, rules and regulations on access to and benefit sharing of genetic resources and traditional knowledge are available for Competent National Authorities.
National Target Target 21: By 2021, mechanisms, rules and regulations related to access and benefits sharing of genetic resources are developed by research and local communities.
National Target Target 20: By 2020, mechanisms for management of access to, sharing of benefits derived from and monitoring of utilization of genetic resources are integrated.
National Target Target 22: By 2021, measures and mechanisms are available for returning economic revenues from biological products to their origins in order to support conservation and sustainable use of biological diversity.
National Target TARGET 9: By 2028, there will be an annual increase of at least 5% in biodiversity conservation related jobs (ecotourism, sustainable agriculture, ecosystem restoration).
National Target TARGET 12: By 2028, capacity for biodiversity conservation of public and private sector groups in terrestrial and marine protected areas/key biodiversity areas will be strengthened.
National Target TARGET 16: By 2028, there will be improved conservation management of caves.
National Target TARGET 13: By 2028, 50% of local government units will have formulated and adopted the enhanced comprehensive land use plan using the revised Housing and Land Use Regulatory Board (HLURB) framework.
National Target TARGET 19: By 2028, there will be a 10% increase in total area from 2015 levels of terrestrial including inland wetlands protected areas managed through the National Integrated Protected Areas System (NIPAS) and other conservation measures (Indigenous C
National Target TARGET 11: By 2028, there will be a 10% increase in agricultural areas devoted to all types of biodiversity-friendly agriculture.