Brunei Darussalam became the 191th party to the Convention on Biological Diversity on 27 July 2008. With this accession, the Convention provided the country of an international conservation platform and further strengthens the ongoing conservation efforts and strategies on sustainable uses of biological and natural resources in accordance with national and international standards and commitments. This document presents the 5th National Report of Brunei
Darussalam to CBD in accordance with Article 26 of the Convention and decision X/10 of the Conference of Parties and will provide key information on Brunei biodiversity including national strategic actions and programs for biodiversity
Brunei Darussalam has a diverse ecosystem and is considered among the countries with high forest cover. The natural vegetation of the country is tropical evergreen rain forests estimated to be around 75% of the country’s total land area and composed primarily of old growth forests. The national forest reserves constitute 41% of the country’s total land area and are protected by law. The forest structures and composition of these forests remains intact and represent national importance in terms of biological composition, unique landscape, forest production areas, forest recreation areas and other special uses.
The country is also blessed with rich marine biodiversity. The coastal waters of Brunei are characterized with a series of shallow shoals and patch reefs that provide habitat for corals, a wealth of fishes, and a myriad of reef dwelling invertebrates including corals, fishes, mollusks, crustaceans and echinoderms. Important marine resources are protected under the Fisheries law that provides for the establishment and management of marine reserves and protected areas.
The basic laws of Brunei Darussalam provided for the conservation and sustainable utilization of the country’s biodiversity and natural resources. As such, the implementing policies, rules and regulations concerning biodiversity and natural resources management is parallel to the objectives and admiration of the Convention.
This report also presents the updates of biodiversity management and conservation in the country in accordance to the national biodiversity strategies and action plans and the 2015 and 2020 Aichi Biodiversity Targets. In general, the country is on track and with its biodiversity conservation management strategies progressing in accordance with the CBD targets.